Fayetteville State University’s Chancellor, Dr. James Anderson, renowned entrepreneur Brian Hamilton, and Retired Maj. Gen. Rodney O. Anderson, announced the launch of a new, innovative Veteran Entrepreneur Partnership between Fayetteville State University (FSU) and the Brian Hamilton Foundation.
The Veteran Entrepreneur Partnership will provide advanced teaching, mentoring and support to assist transitioning veterans, military spouses and the FSU student entrepreneur community. The program’s objective is to provide the essential skills and knowledge needed to improve the business startup success rate.
Fayetteville State University is located at the doorstep of Fort Bragg, North Carolina, the largest military installation in the world. Fort Bragg is home to more than 50,000 active duty personnel and over 7,000+ transitioning Veterans each year.
“Fayetteville State University is always looking for new and innovative ways to support and assist our Veteran population,” stated Dr. James Anderson, Chancellor of Fayetteville State University. “We are pleased to partner with the Brian Hamilton Foundation to provide resources for Veterans, military spouses and students as they seek to become entrepreneurs.”
This innovative program will bring entrepreneur Brian Hamilton to campus as Fayetteville State University’s Entrepreneur-in-Residence (EIR) and the Distinguished Visiting Professor of Entrepreneurship.
Brian Hamilton, Founder of the Brian Hamilton Foundation and Co-Founder of Sageworks, noted, “Veterans have served the country. As leaders, we need to serve them. The qualities that make great servicemen and women – good decision-making, discipline, confidence, and the willingness to take calculated risks – are the same qualities that make successful entrepreneurs. I firmly believe there is no better opportunity than being an entrepreneur and am looking forward to working with our Veterans to prepare them to succeed.”
Currently, Fort Bragg transitioning Veterans benefit from the Army’s Soldier for Life Transition Assistance Program that provides them an opportunity to select and prepare for career transition. Entrepreneurship is one of the career pathways for transitioning Veterans and military family members. The FSU housed Veterans Business Outreach Center provides initial Boots to Business training for transitioning Veterans pursuing entrepreneurship. The Veteran Entrepreneur Partnership provides a new approach following these programs with targeted seminars and mentorship resources.
“Career transition provides Veterans an opportunity to pursue life goals and to make the transition and establish a business here in the Fayetteville, Cumberland County region. The state of North Carolina welcomes Veterans and this entrepreneur partnership provides invaluable support for Veteran success,” according to Maj Gen Rodney O. Anderson, US Army (Retired).

Fayetteville State University is a constituent institution of The University of North Carolina and the second-oldest public institution of higher education in the state, having been founded in 1867. FSU offers degrees at the baccalaureate, master’s, and doctoral levels. With more than 6,300 students, Fayetteville State University is among the most diverse institutions in the nation. Chancellor James A. Anderson is the 11th chief executive officer. To learn more about Fayetteville State University, visit https://www.uncfsu.edu.

The Brian Hamilton Foundation was established with one principle in mind: with the right resources and support, anyone can be a successful entrepreneur. We are helping youth, veterans and other underserved populations start and run their own businesses. By doing this, our hope is to help people take part in the American dream and climb the social and economic ladder. To learn more, visit brianhamilton.org.