This event is free and open to the public. Please find additional information included below.
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Additional Information from Hiring Well Raleigh:
With unemployment under 4.0%, it’s harder than ever to find good people. BUT, there is a pool of individuals you might be overlooking with skills you can use.
There are up to THREE TIMES more people out of the workforce than unemployment tracks. These individuals come from non-traditional pools of candidates, including those with criminal records and people recovering from drug and alcohol addictions.
Business that hire talent from non-traditional pools of candidates have access to salary reimbursements and tax credits.
Find out more from those who have already hired from this population.
Learn from the community partners who helped, and the personal stories of what it means to have access to good work.
We hope participants will make a long-term commitment to expanding work and opportunity in Raleigh, and be equipped with the tools to make the process good for your bottom line.
Let’s be clear – getting to the heart of Doing Good is not about charity. It is simply about opening equitable access to work opportunities for people who are qualified, skilled, and motivated to prove themselves.
Often, people who fall outside accepted norms and into defined categories bear the stigma of societal labels that are distracting to employers. The result is untapped talent pools where chronic under-employment is prevalent and, under certain circumstances, unemployment is always a threat.
Our Doing Good refers to restoring human dignity through employment that properly values the skills and work ethics of job seekers. When employers Hire Well and are intentional about Doing Good, the community prospers in abundance as individuals earn their personal and financial stability. Outcomes and lives change, families leave behind system dependency, communities increase the local tax base, and hope sparks the freedom to dream the dream of potential!
Thu, December 6, 2018
8:00 AM – 10:30 AM EST
The Fairview Raleigh
1125 Capital Boulevard
Raleigh, NC 27603